Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Land of the Dead

My men and I sailed to Aeolia where the king of the winds sent us on our way with a gift: a sack containing all the winds except the favorable west wind. When we were near home, my men opend the sack, letting lose a storm that drove us back to Aeolia. Aeolus cast us out, having decided that we were detested by the gods. We then sailed for seven days and arrived in the land of the Laestrygonians, a race of cannibals. These creatures destroyed all of our ships except the one we were sailing in. My reduced crew and I escaped and reached Aeaea, the island ruled by the sorceress-goddess Circe. She transformed half of my men into swine. Protected by a magic herb, I then demanded that Circe change my men back into human form. Before we departed from the island a year later, Circe told us that in order to reach home we must journey to the Land of the Dead, speak to Hades, and consult the blind prophet Tiresias.

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