Friday, August 27, 2010

The Lotus-Eaters

Within the next days, our god, Zeus, had created a storm that raged for days. The current carried us out to sea, we drifted for nine days, on the tenth day we came to the coastline of the Lotus-Eaters. The Lotus was a flower that the people of the land lived on. I sent out two of my best men and a runner to search the land, but late that night they did not return. I had come to find out that the men had eaten the Lotus and had lost their desire to reach home. They Careless in their worry-free state I went and brought them back and tied them to the ship for when the flowers wore off they would soon realize their need to reach their loved ones.  I then warned the others to not eat the flowers for if they wanted to reach home they must stay focused.  We set out yet again to sail. With the few men that we had left, I was not sure we could survive the journey home...

Sailing From Troy

My men and I have been trying to sail foward to our homelands. This journey we have been on seems never-ending. Lastnight a great storm carried us to the coast of Ismarus, where we stormed the place and killed the men. My men, in their joy of victory, had been drinking the dark drink of wine and were to drunk to respond when I ordered to get back on the ship. Fugitives of the land that were called by the army came and killed many of us. The few remaning men got on the ship and started again on our way home. We started sailing, but yet something still urked me....