Friday, September 10, 2010

The Sirens

          When we return to Circe's island, the goddess reveals our course to us and gives us advice on how to avoid the dangers we will face. She warns us of the sirens that lure sailors to their destruction, and the wandering rocks that even destroy sea birds in flight, the perils of the sea monster Scylla and the whirlpool of Charybdis. She warns that we should not eat the cattle of the sun god, which Tiresias has warned us of also.
          As soon as Circe stoped speaking, my men and I headed straight for our ships. The men ran to their places and soon we were on the sea. I spoke to my men of what Circe had told me and the first peril on our course were the sirens. I then spoke to the men and told them to listen careful as I put then wax on their ears so they did not hear the songs that the sirens were surely to sing. I then had them tie me up tight as a splint, and we set out, quick as lightning. As the men rowed, I bare witness to the songs that the Sirens were begining to sing. As I listened to their beautiful voices trying to lure me to death, I was soon begging the men to let me go and untie me. But they bent seady to the oars. So on we rowed until the Sirens dropped under the sea rim, and their singing faded away. We got through our first obstacle, but there were many more to come. I wondered if my men would make it out alive and the thought chilled me to the bone...